USA Knights Templar



Conclave 2024
Loretto Chapel - Santa Fe, New Mexico

In a world where history and faith intertwine, we honor commitment to Christ and the values of knighthood. Our oath signifies a sacred duty, guiding us to serve with honor and integrity. Together, we stand blessed, in the principles of our churches and fostering a brotherhood rooted in love, respect and tradition. Let us strive to embrace these ideals in all that we do.
On Friday Nov 14, 2004, members of OMSDT Knights Templar arrived at Loretto Chapel for our first annual Conclave. The ceremony bestowed three new knighthoods and four re-knightings. It was a a blessing to be gathered here together. The Photos in this gallery are from this event.
As the ceremony begins, the esteemed members of OMSDT gracefully march into the chapel, their presence a testament to the sacred traditions they follow. The atmosphere is filled with reverence as they prepare for this holy occasion, embodying the and valor of the Knights Templar. Their commitment to the principles they represent shines through setting the stage for a memorable and meaningful event.




Family members gather to witness and support members, showing pride in every moment shared. Their presence creates a warm atmosphere filled with encouragement, reminding us of the strength that comes from being together. In this space, every smile and gesture speaks volumes of the bonds that unite us.

We paid homage to the original knights who founded our esteemed order. We will light nine candles in their honor, each representing their bravery, dedication, and legacy. This solemn ceremony will remind us of their sacrifices and inspire to uphold the values they established. Let us remember together to celebrate their enduring spirit and commitment to our cause.
Grand Prior Derek Nordio opened the ceremony and welcome members and guests to our Conclave. He then introduced the Grand Master Rick Trujillo. The Grand Master commenced the ceremony, he requested our Grand Chaplain Fr John Kelmy do an opening prayer. After the prayer he prepared communion and offered to the knight aspirants.




The first Accolade was a re-knighting that started with Grand Master for Grand Chaplain Fr. John Kelmy. After reading a passage for knighthood, he was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on his shoulder by Page Heather. He was given a knight box with a few items: a Bible, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on him and the GM presented him to the membership as Sir Fr. John Kelmy.


The next knighting with Grand Master was for 1SGT Rebecca Trujillo. After reading a passage for knighthood, she was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on her shoulder by Page Heather. She was given a Bible, a knight box with a few items, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on her and the GM presented her to the membership as Lady Rebecca Trujillo.



The next knighting with Grand Master was for 1SGT Amanda Moreno. After reading a passage for knighthood, she was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on her shoulder by Page Heather. She was given Bible, a knight box with a few items, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on her and the GM presented her to the membership as Lady Amanda Moreno.

The next knighting with Grand Master was for 1SGT Wilfred. After reading a passage for knighthood, he was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on his shoulder by Page Heather. He was given Bible, a knight box with a few items, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on him and the GM presented him to the membership as Sir Wilfred.

Congratulations to our new knights! (Left to right) Sir Wilfred, Lady Amanda and Lady Rebecca. May your journey ahead be filled with joy and blessings. Embrace this honor and wear your titles proudly as you embark on new journey as knights.

After our three new knights, along with GC we had three more re-knightings. They had been previously knighted during a zoom Investitures or from a previous Order, but now have the opportunity to be "Dubbed" by the sword.

The first re-knighting with Grand Master was for Grand Seneschal Mark Snurr. After reading a passage for knighthood, he was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on his shoulder by Page Heather. He was given Bible, a knight box with a few items, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on him and the GM presented him to the membership as Sir Mark Snurr.

The next re-knighting with Grand Master was for Master Commander Bill Ryan. After reading a passage for knighthood, he was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on his shoulder by Page Heather. He was given Bible, a knight box with a few items, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on him and the GM presented him to the membership as Sir Bill Ryan.

The final re-knighting with Grand Master was for Grand Turco Marc Blaydoe. After reading a passage for knighthood, he was dubbed by the sword, mantle placed on his shoulder by Page Heather. He was given Bible, a knight box with a few items, rosary, knight ring, challenge coin and lapel pin. Grand Prior then placed a neck cross on him and the GM presented him to the membership as Sir Marc Blaydoe.



As the ceremony came to an end, a sense of joy and celebration filled the air. We proceeded to exit the chapel, humbled by the ceremony and proud of our newly knighted members, thus concluding the event. We then came back in as it was time for group photos, preserving the cherished moments shared among family and friends during this special event. The smiles, and bonds of friendship, as well as the day's importance, creating unforgettable memories for all of us.


GM Rick Trujillo and GP Derek Nordio

GC Fr John Kelmy, GM Rick Trujillo
and GS Mark Snurr

GC Fr John Kelmy, & GS Mark Snurr

Grand Prior Derek Nordio
Grand Prior Derek Nordio
Grand Seneschal Mark Snurr and Grand Prior Derek Nordio
Both Knight Major Nicohlis Ahik (left photo) and Sir Ben (right photo) both safeguarded the entrances during the ceremony.

A few behind the scene photos

GM goes over last details with two members

GT Marc Blaydoe, GP Derek Nordio and GM Rick Trujillo last minute tech issues

GT Marc Blaydoe, GP Derek Nordio and GM Rick Trujillo checking on setup.

GP Derek Nordio praying before ceremony started

I want to thank CAA Tony Bucher for taking so many great photos for me during the Conclave. Many of those photos taken were used in this photo gallery.
"Thank you to everyone who contributed to making our recent event a wonderful experience. It was truly a blessing to have gathered at the beautiful Loretto Chapel. Your support and participation made all the difference and I am grateful for each and every one of you" - Grand Prior Derek Nordio