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"Arise a Knight"


Be without fear in the face of your enemies.

Stand brave and upright, that the Lord may love thee.

Speak the truth always, even if it means your death.

Protect the helpless and do no wrong.

That is your oath

"Knighthood, I can remember the day that I was knighted. I reflect back to the start of my Templar journey which led me to this day. A day I felt blessed, honored and it was emotional for me. My service to God and the Order continued after reaching this honor. It forever changed my life, my commitment to my Lord, and this Order was even more cemented into me as the sword dubbed each of my shoulders, then my head. A mantle was draped across my shoulders and I arose as a Knight. I reflect back to that day often as a reminder to myself, how I conduct myself, and how I can be a better man of faith in my daily walk."  Sir Derek Nordio

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The traditional role of the knight was to defend the defenseless, to be pious in worship and in dealings with others, and to maintain one’s personal honor above all costs. Such knightly values might seem out of place in the 21st century, with so much emphasis on “me,” money, and materialism—but a few individuals still believe life is truly not worth living unless it serves a higher purpose. Such individuals believe that “living a holy life,” and not material success is the most important thing to which we can aspire. These are the kind of men and women that we are seeking to join the Knights Templar!

Those who become knights know that although there are government agencies and private charities to fight poverty, and military or police to fight the enemies of our country and its citizens, these are not enough.  They know that unless good men and good women take personal responsibility for making the world a better place to live, none of the organizations and agencies in existence will be enough to keep the forces of darkness at bay. Knighthood takes the concept of personal responsibility to the “next level.” Knowing that many of their fellow men and women will do nothing, those who aspire to knighthood believe that it is incumbent upon them to do that much more.

The true knight has internalized the story about the “Good Samaritan,” and helps the poor or disadvantaged whenever he or she can.  It is not necessary to always give money—a knight’s most precious gift may be his or her time, which may be spent teaching the illiterate how to read, or driving elderly persons to a doctor’s appointment. A true knight should never walk past someone who is truly in need without trying to help!  Never.  That is a knight’s creed.


A knight, however, is distinguished from those who merely dispense aid to the poor and disadvantaged. That distinguishing feature is the willingness to engage in “knightly combat,” the battle against evil. It will take men and women with the dedication of true knights to make the changes that are needed. It will take men and women with the courage of true knights to stand up and be counted and to demand accountability from our respective governments on their relations with countries that persecute Christians. It will take men and women like those of the Supreme Military Order of the Jerusalem Temple.


Our Order was founded in 1118 A.D. to protect Christians journeying to and from the Holy Land. Later, the Order was responsible for protecting Christians in the Holy Land itself. We have stayed true to our original charter by defending the persecuted church in foreign lands. Our mission is just as compelling today, if not more so than it was 886 years ago.

Our Order believes that there is still a place for knights in the 21st century. We believe there will always be a place for knights as long as there is poverty, the needs of the elderly, the sick, the helpless, and the persecution of the church.  This is not a question: “Do I have time?”  Or, “I will get to that soon.”  This is not subject to negotiation or scheduling.  Fellowship and aid to the less fortunate, the helpless are a Templar’s duty, his sworn duty.  His code of honor demands the core of knighthood in its unquestionable obligation to help the poor, the sick, the persecuted, the old, the needy, the helpless, the hungry, the cold, the unprotected.  These duties are not stipulations; they are a code gladly taken by a Knight Templar.  If one attempts to join our Order merely as a fraternity “club”, or for a title, that or anything else could never make him or her a “Knight Templar.”  Being a Knight Templar is not a remnant of the past, it is a way of life.

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