USA Knights Templar



Welcome to Knights Templar OMSDT-USA

This site is for anyone interested in Knights Templar or an Order within the United States and Internationally as well. I serve as the Grand Prior of OMSDT-USA, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers. This site is to share information about the Knights Templar and the OMSDT Order to the general public. We are an American Order and with Templars from around the world, with Grand Priories. This Order has many great things to offer as you will discover on this site.
You may know my Facebook page Knights Templar United, which may have led you here, or Twitter-Account Knights Templar United @OMSDT_IDAHO
I'm happy to announce the recently added Instagram account, Knights Templar United at .
Why become a Knight Templar? Well for me, I had an interest in the medieval period and history in general, which lead to discovering the Knights Templar. Reading the history of the Templars, I learned what they stood for and what they accomplished. I also looked at their deep belief in God and protecting pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. I could reflect on my own beliefs and willingness to defend the faith. With everything going on in the world, I searched for an organization and I was happy to find a Knights Templar Order that held this view, "We are a Christian (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) fraternal and chivalric Order that has no Masonic or political affiliations. We are ecumenical in that we are not affiliated with any single Christian denomination, but represent all of Christendom, organized for the fellowship and networking of like-minded believers." and shortly after I started my journey as a Templar.
Knight Templar Sir Derek Nordio
On this site, my intention is to provide a good collection of information with many sections about the Order I belong to, which is OMSDT-USA. Our Order provides wonderful fellowship and brotherhood. I have provided links about the Order, it's Academy, it's Priories, and knighthood. OMSDT is family friendly, women are welcome to join and kids can enter in as Squires or Pages depending on age.
I also share my own story of my journey and service. There are also sections about Templar history, King Richard the Lionheart, and a page of my favorite Christian charities.
I hope you enjoy checking out this site and the info provided. May this help you start your Templar journey, bringing glory to God and defending the faith. Deus Vult.

Grand Prior Derek's Templar room

Historical tapestry and shield

Templar Tunic on right

Collection of Templar Swords

The original Knights Templars defended Christian pilgrims in their travels to the Holy Land and defended the cities, as well as Jerusalem. As modern Templars, we cannot perform the original mission, but we can partner with organizations that help persecuted Christians.
Global Christian Relief (formally Open Doors USA) and
Voice of the Martyrs are two organizations that have this as their mission, which is helping persecuted Christians.
As a Templar, I personally feel this is an important mission to support. Please check out the charities section of the website for more information.
Grand Prior Derek Nordio
King David Priory and OMSDT are happy to announce that we are Frontline Partners with Global Christian Relief.
As Frontline Partners, we stand with persecuted Christians by helping wherever support is needed most; through programs such as trauma counseling, safe houses, providing Bibles, emergency aid, rebuilding of churches and more! This is part of our Order's mission and reflects our Order's motto:
"Defenders of the Faith"
Motto description: "The original Knights Templars defended Christian pilgrims in their travels to the Holy Land and defended the faith in general. As modern Templars, we cannot perform the original mission, but we can partner with organizations that help persecuted Christians worldwide."
Join us today in our global mission and other works of charity. Together we can make a difference in the world and support of our fellow Christians.
'In Hoc Signo Vinces' means "In This Sign Thou Shalt Conquer," can remind believers that they must work tirelessly to overcome the world's evil inclinations and to strike down evil, guided by the Cross.
