USA Tempeliers



At Archangel Ministries, we believe that children are a blessing from God, not property to be bought and sold… especially not to fulfill sexual fantasies. Our foundational scripture is found in Psalms 82:3-5; “Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked. They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are unstable.”
You can find Archangel ministries on Facebook at

7&3 Coffee is operated by Archangel Ministries. All profits from sales go to fund rescue operations, after-care and missionary support in the fight against child sex trafficking. Why? According to the International Labour Organization and the United Nations, there are 49.6 million people in modern slavery worldwide, and 12 million of them are children. UNICEF reports that Human Trafficking is a $150 billion per year, world-wide industry.
You can find 7 & 3 Coffee on Facebook at:

Like to order some coffee and join the fight against child trafficking, check out there website at

If you would like to help with their mission you can also donate directly to their Paypal at

You can always show some support for Archangel Ministries and 7 & 3 Coffee and go to their online store and do some shopping for some great coffee cups and apparel at

Archangel Ministries and 7 & 3 Coffee is owned and operated by Sir Michael Glenn. He is a member of OMSDT Knights Templar. He is a Master Commander and oversees the Priory of St Michael the Archangel. OMSDT supports this mission of fighting child trafficking and is proud of this Priory's mission.