USA Knights Templar



Conclave 2024 Service Event
On Friday Nov 15, 2004, members of OMSDT Knights Templar arrived at Interfaith Community Shelter to help by volunteering at the shelter. This is a photo gallery of that day.
We arrived at Interfaith Community Shelter and it was very eye-opening to see the vast need for this shelter. There are many people outside that needed help, warm clothing and a hot meal. Part of OMSDT's mission is to serve others and make a difference. If you would like to be a part of OMSDT please go to our join tab and fill out a membership application.

Our Tour of the Shelter
We were given a tour of the shelter, from main dinning area, men's and woman's bunk rooms. Also they have a clothing area, "Community Closet" or Ann's place. Ann has been a volunteer for 11 years and works with Bud, who has been volunteering there for 15 years. We also were shown the kitchen area, where we met several volunteers. They were all nice people to meet. We were also shown the clinic area and social services area.

Let the Work Begin
We all had to sign in as volunteers and then divided into two groups and tackled some outside work first. Some members helped to pick up trash and garbage around the parking lot and out on the street, while others worked on cardboard recycling area and the kennel area. Members who helped pick up trash were GS Mark Snurr, GCV Fr John Kelmy, CAA Tony Bucher, Lady Amanda Moreno, Page Heather, Lady Rebecca Trujillo, Sir Ben, GT Marc Blaydoe, Sir Nicholis Ahik, GM Rick Trujillo and a few others worked on trash pickup.

There was a pretty big pile of cardboard we broke down and the kennel area was a mess. GT Marc Blaydoe, Sir Nicholis Ahik, MC Bill Ryan, GS Mark Snurr, GP Derek Nordio and GM Rick Trujillo worked in these areas. The outdoor carpets were swept and we fixed some of the support framing for the canopy. GM Rick Trujillo and others secured the awning material with zip ties and cleaned off all the leaves and pine needles on the canopy.


After much of the outdoor work was done, some members moved inside the shelter to help organize a store room and help serve lunch to the homeless people at the shelter. GM Rick Trujillo, GP Derek Nordio, GC Fr John Kelmy, and MC Bill Ryan worked in the kitchen along with staff.

We served between 60 to 100 plates of food and handled the line so well that three regular staff members were able to leave and get a break from serving lunch. Meat, rice, veggies, fruit salad, tossed salad, and a donut dessert were offered to all that were in line for a meal.


Food Donation
While working in the kitchen we asked if they needed any food items and the kitchen staff put together a list of needed items. A few members donated money so our Order ladies could go shopping for those food items. Lady Rebecca, Lady Amanda Moreno, along with a few of our Order guests, shopped for the items for the shelter.

Job Well Done
After almost four hours of cleaning and serving, we were done with our time at the shelter. We received many thanks and compliments and the shelter staff was very happy to have us there. It was truly a blessing to serve and very rewarding to have done so. We are thankful every day for what we have and are reminded that not everyone has it as good as we do. Many people take our blessings for granted and this was an eye opening experience to be a part of. OMSDT takes our mission to heart and want to be a light in an ever darker world. Thank you Interfaith Community Shelter for having us and giving us the oppertunity to serve.

Group Photo: Left to right: GP Derek Nordio, GM Rick Trujillo, Page Heather, Lady Rebecca Trujillo, Lady Amanda Moreno, Sir Nicholis Ahik, GT Marc Blaydoe, CAA Tony Bucher, GS Mark Snurr, MC Bill Ryan, GC Fr John Kelmy
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.