Рыцари-тамплиеры США



Как вы можете сделать пожертвование рыцарям-тамплиерам GPMTJ-USA
«Тот, кто милует бедного, дает взаймы Господу, и Он воздаст ему за его доброе дело».
Притчи 19:17

With your support you can help OMSDT in it's variuos charity missions and we are happy to announce that we are Frontline Partners with Global Christian Relief.
As Frontline Partners, we stand with persecuted Christians by helping wherever support is needed most; through programs such as trauma counseling, safe houses, providing Bibles, emergency aid, rebuilding of churches and more! This is part of our Order's mission and reflects our Order's motto:
"Defenders of the Faith"
Motto description: "The original Knights Templars defended Christian pilgrims in their travels to the Holy Land and defended the faith in general. As modern Templars, we cannot perform the original mission, but we can partner with organizations that help persecuted Christians worldwide."
Support us today in our global mission and other works of charity. Together we can make a difference in the world and support of our fellow Christians.
𝐆𝐏𝐌𝐓𝐉 - 𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐥.
OMSDT Knights Templar, we are a 501c3 non profit Religious Organization, all donations are tax deductable.