Caballeros Templarios USA



Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi
The Cathedral Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, commonly known as Saint Francis Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico. The cathedral was built by Archbishop Jean Baptiste Lamy between 1869 and 1886. On Friday afternoon Grand Prior Derek Nordio, Grand Seneschal Mark Snurr and Grand Turco Marc Blaydoe visited this church. Like the Loretto Chapel it is a beautiful Church but larger. One of the neat features outside was a circular pattern and in the center a Jerusalem Cross. The circle pattern repersents the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This gallery is a collection of photos taken that day.








In a moment of unexpected beauty, heavenly light cascaded down, illuminating my hair in a stunning glow. It was a surprise that transformed an ordinary day and picture into a wonderful surprise, making me smile.
I didn't notice this until afterwards reviewing the photos I took at St Francis.